Élan Wellness offers Financial Flexibility

As a collective, we firmly believe that access to financial resources should not be a barrier to healing.

Élan Wellness is committed to providing services that are financially accessible for people from all socioeconomic backgrounds and financial circumstances.

As a collective, we believe firmly that access to financial resources should not be a barrier to healing or the determining factor in whether someone can access such services.

Offerings on a Sliding Scale

As such we offer a sliding scale fee structure. Our fees are adjusted according to one's income which we hope allows for fairness and is a step towards addressing income inequality.

How it Works

The higher your income, the more you will pay, the lower your income, the less you will pay. Simple as that.

There are three tiers of pricing offered

The highest reflects one's financial privilege and the true cost of services.

The middle reflects that the true cost may prevent some people from attending but recognizes some financial privilege.

The lowest cost acknowledges that some people's economic circumstances prevent them from accessing services unless an intentional opportunity to make them accessible is provided.

Tier 1

Tier 2

Tier 3

We do not ask for proof of income and trust that our clients will be honest about their level of financial privilege. Please be mindful that if you purchase a price at the lowest end of the scale when you can truthfully afford the higher rates, you are limiting access to those who truly need the gift of financial flexibility.

The “Green Bottle” Practice

Please refer to the image below, “The Green Bottle”, which provides an excellent description of financial privilege to guide you in choosing the appropriate payment for services.

To learn more about financial privilege and the sliding scale fee model, click the image and check out the blog Worts & Cunning Apothecary.