Unlock Healing From Within And Re-Wild Your Body With Somatic Experiencing®

Somatic Experiencing® (SE) is a therapeutic approach developed by Dr. Peter A. Levine, aimed at addressing and healing the physical and emotional effects of trauma. It is based on the understanding that trauma is not solely a psychological issue but also profoundly impacts the body. SE seeks to facilitate the release of stored traumatic energy and restore a sense of safety and balance to the individual.


All animals, even human animals, have internal, biological mechanisms to support the release of stress, tension, and nervous system activation that occurs when a threat is experienced.

When people are small, these mechanisms occur naturally, if the environment is safe to do so. These can include crying, shaking, trembling, yelling, etc. As we get older, we internalize social cues that these behaviours aren’t “appropriate”, and tend to shut them down. We usually do this by tightening up through the body, thereby locking the survival energy inside.

SE can support the gradual return to feeling comfortable and safe with our natural, innate release mechanisms, and assist in reducing the effects of stress on the bodymind. We effectively learn to “re-wild” ourselves.

At the heart of SE is the recognition that the body holds the key to understanding and healing trauma, and that an individual who experiences ill health, whether psychological or physical, is not broken, they are just stuck.

When someone experiences a traumatic event, the body often goes into a state of fight, flight, or freeze.

However, if the person cannot complete these responses and discharge the accumulated energy, the energy becomes stuck in the body. This can lead to a range of physical and psychological symptoms, including anxiety, depression, chronic pain, and autoimmune disorders.

Somatic Experiencing® Client Experiences

Speed Of Trust

In SE, the client and practitioner work together, moving at the speed of trust. This trust is not simply social in nature, it is biological; the client’s body and nervous system needs to trust the practitioner’s body and nervous system too.

What happens in a session?

Working always within a client’s capacity for experiencing the Soma, various techniques are used to help the client safely access and process stored traumatic experiences. An example of this is called “tracking”. In tracking bodily sensations, the client develops a more intimate understanding of their body and its inherent wisdom, allowing them to become more attuned to their physical responses and gradually release pent-up survival energy and tension.

One of the key strengths of Somatic Experiencing® is its non-invasive nature. It respects the individual's own pace and capacity to heal, making it suitable for a wide range of clients, including those who may find traditional talk therapy overwhelming.

SE offers a holistic and body-centered approach to healing trauma.

By reconnecting individuals with their somatic experiences and empowering them to discharge stored traumatic energy,
SE has the potential to alleviate the profound impact of trauma on both the body and the mind, leading to a renewed sense of well-being, resilience, safety, and ownership of one’s body.