Transforming Touch® and Transforming Intentional Touch® Somatic Therapy

Transforming Touch® and Transforming Intentional Touch® are Somatic therapies developed by Stephen J. Terrell, PsyD, SEP, through personal experience and the experiences of his clients. Stephen is a known authority in the fields of Attachment, Adoptions, and Developmental Trauma.

Transforming Touch® is an attachment-focused, neurophysiological treatment offered either through hands-on touch or intentional touch for healing Developmental Trauma.


This modality recognizes that through co-regulation, a person can begin changing their story about non-verbal, early developmental trauma, increase capacity and experience more wholeness and flow.

Transforming Touch®, whether physical or intentional, is a potent force in co-creating connection and regulating the nervous system and wields remarkable influence over the nervous system's equilibrium. Touch releases a cascade of neurochemicals, including oxytocin and serotonin, which promote feelings of safety, connection, and well-being.

This tactile input directly influences the autonomic nervous system, reducing the activity of the sympathetic "fight or flight" response and enhancing the parasympathetic "rest and digest" mode.

We begin to feel safer within ourselves and start learning to trust our somatic intuition and experiences.

When we are our own safe base, it is easier to move through the world with comfort, ease, and flow.

When touch is safe and consensual, it transcends the physical realm and communicates profound emotional support and empathy. The deliberate connection signals safety and trust, supporting the nervous system into a state of ease and flow.

Transforming Touch® Client Experiences

Mind Body Connection

Transforming Touch® and Transforming Intentional Touch® empowers individuals to modulate their own emotional states and foster resilience. The power of intentional touch lies in its capacity to harmonize mind and body, promoting holistic well-being.

What happens in a session?

Transforming Touch® is a protocol-based modality. You remain fully clothed and are invited to either sit in a chair or lie down on the table, supporting your body as needed to feel as comfortable as possible. With Transforming Touch® I offer physical touch support to key areas of stress physiology- the heart, kidneys, and brain stem- with holds from 2 to 5 minutes. When using Transforming Intentional Touch®, we use intention and attention to support your physiology, guided by my voice.

For the first several sessions we work with the Transforming Touch® protocol, as repetition helps to build somatic trust between your soma and myself. After trust has developed, we may incorporate various “primitive reflex” enhancements to support the integration of early infant reflexes that may have been interrupted during developmental stages.

Some of these reflexes relate to specific conditions, although we may work through them one by one, kind of like repairing the foundation of a house. When your foundation is solid, everything that sits on top is supported.

Treatments generally take place once per week or once every two weeks and are offered either in person or online over Zoom.